Lord Barbatos Boleyn

The person responsible for the very degradation of Yoguthian society and life as a whole, Barbatos is the worst of the worst. Under his rule, billions have perished and there is more to come. His rule has not just affected Yugoth, but how the Omniverse works as a whole.


Barbatos is the oldest of the two Boleyn princes, meaning that he is the heir to the throne of Yugoth. But due to an old prophecy from the Book of Equality, the holy book for the religion of Monotheism, his fate was changed. He knew that the King and Queen were treating him differently, so upon stumbling across the reason why he took it upon himself to fulfil it.
He found a privy council, with military General Cragger Blade, the Earl of Ashen Manor, Sir Ashen Nightsomancer, and an old priest of Monotheism, Lunaris Eclipse, that plotted against the throne. General [Redacted] Blazer knew about this after fighting Nightsomancer in his manor, so they wanted to stop Barbatos. They were the only person Barbatos, until he put an end to it.
Now, Barbatos is the greatest threat to the Omniverse since the Big Bang. He will stop at nothing to fulfil his destiny.


Age: 66
Origin: R'hley
Pronouns: He/him
Weapon: The Rage-Reaping Blade
Appearances: The Infernal World

Other Facts

- Barbatos' role was originally given to Cthulhu, which is why Viceroy was originally inspired by Terraria's Moon Lord
- He was the first big change that prompted the way the story is going
- Boleyn came from Anne Boleyn
- He is based on the stereotypical demon design as a way to strike fear into the casual viewer
- The story was originally going to be called 'The Barbatos Chronicles' due to his role in the ongoing story

© J.S.B Dickson. March 2023. All rights reserved.